ModErn Text Analysis
META Enumerates Textual Applications
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
range.h File Reference
#include <cmath>
#include <iterator>

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class  meta::util::basic_range< T >
 Implements a range that spans a loop's extension and termination conditions, most useful for iterating over a range of numbers with a range-based for loop. More...
class  meta::util::basic_range< T >::iterator_t< Plus >
 Iterator to traverse the generic range. More...


 The ModErn Text Analysis toolkit is a suite of natural language processing, classification, information retreival, data mining, and other applications of text processing.
 Shared resources and utilities.


template<class T >
basic_range< T > meta::util::range (const T &begin, const T &end)
 Constructs a range based on a beginning and ending value. More...
template<class T >
basic_range< T > meta::util::range (const T &begin, const T &end, const T &step)
 Constructs a range based on a beginning value, and ending value, and a step size. More...

Detailed Description

Chase Geigle

All files in META are dual-licensed under the MIT and NCSA licenses. For more details, consult the file and LICENSE.ncsa in the root of the project.