Classification in MeTA
Beyond its search and information retrieval capabilities, MeTA also provides functionality for performing document classification on your corpora. We will start this tutorial by discussing how you can perform document classification experiments on your data without writing a single line of code, and then discuss more complicated examples later on.
The first step in setting up your classification task is, of course,
selecting your corpus. MeTA’s built-in classify
program supports the
following corpus inputs:
- anything from which an
can be generated - pre-processed, libsvm-formatted corpora
MeTA’s internal representation for its forward_index
libsvm-formatted data, so if you already have your data in this format you
are encouraged to use it. Otherwise, you can generate libsvm-formatted
data automatically from any existing inverted_index
Creating a Forward Index From Scratch
To create a forward_index
directly from your corpus input, your
configuration file would look something like this:
corpus-type = "line-corpus"
dataset = "20newsgroups"
forward-index = "20news-fwd"
inverted-index = "20news-inv"
method = "ngram-word"
ngram = 1
filter = "default-chain"
The process looks something like this: first, an inverted_index
will be
created (or loaded if it already exists) over your corpus’ data, and then
it will be un-inverted to create the forward_index
. The process of
un-inverting is a one-time cost, and is necessary to provide efficient
access to the document vectors for the classifiers. Once you have
generated your forward_index
, you never need to generate it again
unless you want to change your document representation. Once you have a
, you can use it with any of the classifiers provided by
Creating a Forward Index from LIBSVM Data
In many cases, you may already have pre-processed corpora to perform classification tasks on, and MeTA gracefully handles this. The most common input for these classification tasks is the LIBSVM file format, and MeTA supports this format directly as an input corpus.
To create a forward_index
from data that is already in LIBSVM format,
your configuration file would look something like this:
corpus-type = "line-corpus"
dataset = "rcv1"
forward-index = "rcv1-fwd"
inverted-index = "rcv1-inv"
method = "libsvm"
The forward_index
will recognize that this is a LIBSVM formatted corpus
and will simply generate a few metadata structures to ensure efficient
random access to document vectors. An inverted_index
is not created
through this method, and so you will not be able to use classifiers such
as knn
that require an inverted_index
Selecting a Classifier
To actually run the classify
executable, you will need to decide on a
classifier to use. You may see a list of these in the API documentation
for the classifier
class (they are listed
as subclasses). The public static id member of each class is the
identifier you would use in the configuration file.
A recommended default configuration is given below, which learns an SVM via stochastic gradient descent:
method = "one-vs-all"
method = "sgd"
loss = "hinge"
prefix = "sgd-model"
Here is an example configuration that uses Naive Bayes:
method = "naive-bayes"
Here is an example that uses k-nearest neighbor with k = 10 and Okapi BM25 as the ranking function:
method = "knn"
k = 10
method = "bm25"
Running ./classify config.toml
from your build directory will now create
a forward_index
(if necessary) and run 5-fold cross validation on your
data using the prescribed classifier. Here is some sample output:
chinese english japanese
chinese | 0.802 0.011 0.187
english | 0.0069 0.807 0.186
japanese | 0.0052 0.0039 0.991
Class F1 Score Precision Recall
chinese 0.864 0.802 0.936
english 0.88 0.807 0.967
japanese 0.968 0.991 0.945
Total 0.904 0.867 0.949
1005 predictions attempted, overall accuracy: 0.947
Online Learning
If your dataset cannot be loaded into memory, you should look at the online learning tutorial for more information about how to handle this case.
Manual Classification
If you want to customize the classification process (such as providing
your own test/training split, or changing the number of cross-validation
folds), you should interact with the classifiers directly by writing some
code. Refer to classify.cpp
and the API documentation for
Here’s a simple example that changes the number of folds to 10:
auto f_idx = meta::index::make_index<index::memory_forward_index>(argv[1]);
auto config = cpptoml::parse_file(argv[1]);
auto class_config = config.get_table("classifier");
auto classifier = meta::classify::make_classifier(*class_config, f_idx);
auto confusion_mtrx = classifier->cross_validate(f_idx->docs(), 10);
And here’s a simple example that uses your own training/test split:
auto f_idx = meta::index::make_index<index::memory_forward_index>(argv[1]);
auto config = cpptoml::parse_file(argv[1]);
auto class_config = config.get_table("classifier");
auto classifier = meta::classify::make_classifier(*class_config, f_idx);
auto train = /* filter f_idx->docs() for your training set */;
auto test = /* filter f_idx->docs() for your test set */;
auto confusion_mtrx = classifier->test(test);
Writing Your Own Classifiers
Any classifiers you write should subclass classify::classifier
implement its virtual methods. You should be clear as to whether your
classifier directly supports multi-class classification (subclass from
directly) or only binary classification (sublcass
from classify::binary_classifier
If you would like to be able to create your classifier by specifying it in
a configuration file, you will need to provide a public static id member
that specifies the text that identifies your classifier class, and
register it with the toolkit somewhere in main()
like this:
// if you have a multi-class classifier
// if you have a multi-class classifier that requires an
// inverted_index
// if you have a binary classifier
If you need to read parameters from the configuration group given for your
classifier, you should specialize the make_classifier()
function like so:
// if you have a multi-class classifier
namespace meta
namespace classify
template <>
const cpptoml::table& config,
std::shared_ptr<index::forward_index> idx);
// if you have a multi-class classifier that requires an
// inverted_index
namespace meta
namespace classify
template <>
const cpptoml::table& config,
std::shared_ptr<index::forward_index> idx,
std::shared_ptr<index::inverted_index> inv_idx);
// if you have a binary classifier
namespace meta
namespace classify
template <>
const cpptoml::table& config,
std::shared_ptr<index::forward_index> idx,
class_label positive_label,
class_label negative_label);