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meta::classify::kernel::radial_basis Class Reference

A radial basis function kernel for linear classifiers to adapt them to data that is not linearly separable. More...

#include <radial_basis.h>

Public Member Functions

 radial_basis (double gamma)
 Constructs a new radial_basis kernel with the given parameter. More...
template<class PostingsData >
double operator() (const PostingsData &first, const PostingsData &second) const
 Computes the value of \(K(first, second)\).

Private Attributes

double gamma_
 \(\gamma\), or equivalently \(-\frac1{2\sigma^2}\), the parameter for the radial basis function.

Detailed Description

A radial basis function kernel for linear classifiers to adapt them to data that is not linearly separable.

Uses the form of: \(K(x, z) = \exp(\gamma||x-z||_2^2)\)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

meta::classify::kernel::radial_basis::radial_basis ( double  gamma)

Constructs a new radial_basis kernel with the given parameter.

gammaThe parameter for the radial basis function.

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