ModErn Text Analysis
META Enumerates Textual Applications
Classes | Functions
meta::sequence Namespace Reference

Sequence representations and labeling models/algorithms. More...


class  crf
 Linear-chain conditional random field for POS tagging and chunking applications. More...
class  forward_trellis
 Special trellis for the normalized forward algorithm. More...
class  observation
 Represents an observation in a tagged sequence. More...
class  perceptron
 A greedy averaged perceptron tagger. More...
class  sequence
 Represents a tagged sequence of observations. More...
class  sequence_analyzer
 Analyzer that operates over sequences, generating features based on a set of "observation functions". More...
class  trellis
 Basic trellis for holding score data for the forward/backward algorithm. More...
class  viterbi_trellis
 Special trellis for the Viterbi algorithm. More...


void register_analyzers ()
 Registers analyzers provided by the meta-sequence-analyzers library.
std::vector< sequenceextract_sequences (const std::string &filename)
 Reads a Penn Treebank formatted part of speech tagged file and returns a set of sequences parsed from it. More...
sequence_analyzer default_pos_analyzer ()
 Constructs a sequence_analyzer that is specialized for part-of-speech tagging. More...

Detailed Description

Sequence representations and labeling models/algorithms.

Function Documentation

std::vector< sequence > meta::sequence::extract_sequences ( const std::string &  filename)

Reads a Penn Treebank formatted part of speech tagged file and returns a set of sequences parsed from it.

filenameThe name of the file to be parsed
all of the sequences that were parsed from the given file
sequence_analyzer meta::sequence::default_pos_analyzer ( )

Constructs a sequence_analyzer that is specialized for part-of-speech tagging.

Uses a predefined set of observation functions.